Derek Harkness - Chairperson

Derek Harkness is the Principal of Carr's Glen Primary School, a large school located at the upper end of the Oldpark Road. He graduated in 1986 and has worked in several primary schools, as a teacher, Vice-Principal and as Principal, as well as an advisory officer in the Western Education & Library Board. He also serves as an Associate with the Regional Training Unit, assisting in the training and development of trainee Head Teachers, working as an assessor and coach.

Derek brings valuable experience in working with children, an in-depth knowledge of the educational sector and considerable management experience. He is committed to the development of the whole child and sees the service that Jigsaw provides as a vital component in any schools pastoral care.

When he's not at school, or attending Jigsaw committee meetings, Derek might be found on a river or lake casting a fly or even exercising his artistic ability through drawing or painting!

Carol Massey - Chief Executive Officer, Counsellor

Carol is a 40 year old mother of three girls and the founder of Jigsaw CCC. Carol is a fully accredited
counsellor and has a Diploma in Higher Education in Counselling from the University of Ulster. She is
an accredited member of the National Counselling Society as well as a  member of the British
Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy and member of Counselling Children and Young

Her past experiences include working for Childline, working in a homeless hostel in East Belfast,
working in a GP surgery and working with Ballysillan Youth for Christ offering counselling in the local
community.  She has ten years experience counselling children and young people in schools as well
as supporting parents and running parenting courses

According to Carol, "Jigsaw is for everyone and as a counsellor I feel privileged when people let me
into their worlds by trusting me. For me it is about getting alongside people and supporting them
until they are strong enough to support themselves"
A quote that Carol read and believes is vital to Jigsaw as it continues develop as the needs of the
community grow is..."Amateurs built the ark, professionals built the Titanic"

Olga Macshane - Director

Olga is a vastly experienced counselling practitioner, with 30 years experience. She is also currently a counselling supervisor. Her qualifications include a BSc (Hons) Occupational Psychology, MSc Guidance and Counselling, Accred Counselling Psychologist (BPS), Chartered Fellow of Institute of Personnel and Development.

Olga recently retired from her post as counselling lecturer, where she was Course Director for a Foundation Degree in Counselling.

She is very committed to supporting Jigsaw Community Counselling Service to deliver a professional Counselling Service addressing the needs of the local community.

Emma Clarke – Director

My name is Emma Clarke, I am 29 years old and I am the current Acting Principal of Wheatfield
Primary School in North Belfast.

I have been teaching for 6 years, firstly just outside London and then here at Wheatfield. I am also
the SENCo in our school – taking care of Special Needs for all pupils. I am passionate about the work
that I do and I feel that every child’s story helps to mould them as they grow through our care. I have
been experiencing the practices and services offered by Jigsaw to our school community and know
how important this is to providing the best pastoral care we can and helping our children develop
When I’m not at school, I enjoy spending my time at home walking my dog around the Fermanagh
Lakeland’s, baking and planning a wedding (or at least trying to!)

Diane McCormick - Director

Diane has worked as a social worker with children and families for 35 years and is very committed to ensuring families are supported in times of need.She is also training to be a play therapist and believes this is a valuable resource for children.

Diane has spent many years working as a youth worker in Newtonabbey and also spent 4 years working as a missionary in Kosovo working with traumatised children.